
API Manager Routing policy sample

Provided sample uses Stock Quote and Exchange Rates REST APIs for backend and the routing is done based on value specified in a custom header Backend-Service. Related policies and API Manager export are also provided.

API Management Version Compatibilty

This artefact was successfully tested for the following versions:

  • V7.5.3


  • Create a Routing Policy (Could simply have one filter to route to a backend or have a branch to route to backend services based on incoming content)

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  • Add the routing policy in Policy Studio under Server Settings > API Manager > Routing Policies and deploy so it is available within API Manager UI

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  • Create a dummy Backend API (the URI could be valid or dummy) and a Front-end API based on this. Then in the Outbound tab, select the policy in the Default Method Routing dropdown

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  • Save/Publish the Front-end API and test (use HTTP header Backend-Service to pass the required backend service to be routed to)

    • Traffic Monitor:

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  • Custom routing policy execution path:

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As you can see, there can be Request and Response policies configured for each Front-end API (and individual method) for any validation/enrichment/transformation.


To be completed

Bug and Caveats

To be completed


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Apache License 2.0