
Useful tools for testing api-gateway and/or api-Manager

Primary LanguageShell

API-Gateway & API-Manager tools

This repository contains a number of tools, that might be helpful for instance to do infrastructure and middleware testing, load testing etc. Right now, it's just a start. It is intended to be a place to collect more.

API-Manager load test - working with large amounts of platform users

MassLoadUsersApps - A tool to create a big number of users plus applications. This is useful to validate the API-Management platform can handle many users and apps.

Independen PKI to issue infrastructure (test) certificates

InfrastructureTestCA - Shell script for creating an independen, three layer PKI that can be used for end-to-end tests on non-production middleware.

Automatic Setup of an API-Managwer Test System

AutoSetupApiMgrSystem - Scripting approach of installing and auto-configuring a API-Manager system based on a complete, independent API-Gateway topology. Idea is to create an on-demand test-system.

API-Manager Platform Health-Check API

PlatformHealthCheckAPI - Special API-Manager API to check availability of all needed infrastructure components.