
A policy which enables the API-Manager to route OData-Requests

Primary LanguageC#


This project provides:

  • A converter to generate a Swagger 2.0 definition based on a OData-Meta-Definition
  • A policy which makes it possible to route OData specific queries through the API-Manager.

The converter takes in an OData URL (such as http://services.odata.org/V4/TripPinServiceRW) and the name of the output file to convert the odata specfication to a Swagger 2.0 API-Specification, which can imported into the Axway API-Manager.

OData V4 Usage:

D:\odata-routing-policy\converter\odata\bin\Release>OdataSwaggerConverter.exe http://services.odata.org/V4/TripPinServiceRW name_of_swagger_file.json [http-basic-username] [http-basic-password]

OData V3 and Below Usage:

D:\odata-routing-policy\converter\odata\bin\Release>OdataSwaggerConverter.exe http://services.odata.org/V3/Northwind/Northwind.svc/$metadata name_of_swagger_file.json [http-basic-username] [http-basic-password]

The converter generates a Swagger-File using the given name in the current folder. Please note, that providing username/password is optional.

Once imported and virtualized as a Frontend-API you need make the Policy provided in this project a routing policy, as it takes care about proper routing all different OData-Requests.


API Management Version Compatibilty

This artefact was successfully tested for the following versions:

  • V7.5.3


• Use the Converter to generate a Swagger 2.0 API-Sepcification
• Import the Policy: "OData routing" into you API-Manager configuration group
• Make this policy part of your API-Manager routing policy (e.g. as a Policy-Shortcut)

Routing Policy

• Configure your routing policy in API-Manager for your OData-Frontend API
• Important note: When not using the provided Routing-Policy from this project: 
     Verify, in the "Connect to URL" filter that the URL-Parameter is configured to ${destinationURL}


• To enable this specific routing for your APIs, make sure you select the configured routing policy

API-Manager Routing Policy

• Configured API-Methods must end with * (example: ..../Airports* without any slash)
  (done by the Converter in that way)

API-Manager OData API

• And correct the FE-API Path by removing this part (S(bwlyi5zyfdifrulnwfpj2f4u)): 

API-Manager OData FE_API

Bug and Caveats

When using nested query parameters like in this example:

/People?$expand=Trips($filter=Name eq 'Trip in US')

the nested parameter must be URL-Encoded due to the fact, how the API-Manager parses the Query-Parameters based on the equal ("=") sign:


Besides that, the Postman-Test-Suite passes including many differant query variations. If you contribute, make sure the test-suite still runs okay.


Please read Contributing.md for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.


alt text Axway Team


Apache License 2.0