
Simple greeting service to be used as a demo backend for API Manager demonstration.

Primary LanguageJava

Simple Greeting Service

Simple greeting service to be used as a demo backend for API Manager demonstration.


The service provides a user specific greeting message. Users are able to change their message.

It supports following methods (for details, see OpenAPI spec src/openapi/greeting-service/reference/greeting-service.json).

GET /greetings

Returns the default greeting message.

Required scopes: greetings or greetings.set


$ curl -ks https://localhost:8443/greetings \
-H "Authorization: Bearer ...token..." \
--cert src/certs/demo-apim-client.crt \
--key  src/certs/demo-apim-client.key
{"message":"Hello World!","timestamp":1670624571107}

GET /greetings?user={userid}

Returns the greeting message of a user. If no user specific greeting message exists, the default message will be returned.

Required scope: greetings or greetings.set


$ curl -ks https://localhost:8443/greetings?user=bob \
-H "Authorization: Bearer ...token..." \
--cert src/certs/demo-apim-client.crt \
--key  src/certs/demo-apim-client.key
{"message":"Hello World!","timestamp":1670624642078}

POST /greetings?user={userid}

Set a greeting message for the specified user.

Required scope: greetings.set


$ curl -ks -X POST https://localhost:8443/greetings?user=bob \
-H "Authorization: Bearer ...token..." \
--cert src/certs/demo-apim-client.crt \
--key  src/certs/demo-apim-client.key \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"message": "Good Morning!"}'
{"message":"bob: Good Morning!","timestamp":1670624792172}

DELETE /greetings?user={userid}

Delete the greeting message of the specified user.

Required scope: greetings.set


$ curl -ks -X DELETE https://localhost:8443/greetings?user=bob \
-H "Authorization: Bearer ...token..." \
--cert src/certs/demo-apim-client.crt \
--key  src/certs/demo-apim-client.key


  • enforced mutual TLS
  • checks issuer of client certificate (must be signed by src/certs/demo-sub-ca.crt)
  • checks CN of client certificate (must be apim-client)
  • secured with OAuth 2
    • user authenticated by token
    • token validated by introspection to Authorization Server
    • specified user must match sub claim
    • scopes greetings or greetings.set required.


Check the guide for how to virtualize and the secure the API with the API Manager.


The service uses self-signed certificates which are located in the src/certs folder. The passphrase for certificates and Java Key Stores (JKS) is changeme.

Build & Run

Build package & start the backend service:

$ ./mvnw clean package
$ java -jar target/quarkus-app/quarkus-run.jar

Build a single über-jar:

./mvnw package -Dquarkus.package.type=uber-jar