Create assets

Getting started

This script follows the official documentation for creating Amplify Assets - link.

But the script takes it once step further by building an Asset from the same Services published in two or more related ENV, e.g. PROD and DEV


./ prod qa dev

where prod, qa, and dev are the names (logical names in Amplify) of the related ENV.

The first ENV in the list should be the "main" ENV that is used as a template for building Assets. That means that there may be services in other ENV that don't exist in the "main" ENV; those services will not be bundled into an Asset.

There may be an opposite situation when other ENV don't have a Service that exists in the "main" ENV. In that case, only the Service from the "main" ENV is bundled into an Asset.

You can also pass a name of one ENV, and the script will create Assets for all services in one ENV


./ prod 

Deleting Assets

If you want to remove the Assets created in the previous step, you can use the following script:


The script will take action based on the JSON file created before ( ./json/assets-created.json). If this file doesn't exist or has been deleted, generate this file first, then invoke the script.