- You need an Axway Platform user account that is assigned the AMPLIFY Central admin role
- Your Apigee Gateway/Manager should be up and running and have APIs to be discovered and exposed in AMPLIFY Central
Let’s get started!
In this section we'll:
- Log into Amplify Central
- Navigate to "Topology" then "Environments"
- Click "+ Environment"
- Select a name
- Click "Save"
- To enable the viewing of the agent status in Amplify see Visualize the agent status
- Create a public and private key pair locally using the openssl command
openssl genpkey -algorithm RSA -out private_key.pem -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_bits: 2048
openssl rsa -in private_key.pem -pubout -out public_key.pem
- Log into the Amplify Platform
- Navigate to "Organization" then "Service Accounts"
- Click "+ Service Account"
- Select a name
- Optionally add a description
- Select "Client Certificate"
- Select "Provide public key"
- Select or paste the contents of the public_key.pem file
- Select "Central admin"
- Click "Save"
- Note the Client ID value, this and the key files will be needed for the agents
- Create an Apigee account
- Note the username and password used as the agents will need this to run
- Add a developer that will be the owner of all applications created by the agent
The following environment variables file should be created for executing both of the agents
CENTRAL_ORGANIZATIONID=<Amplify Central Organization ID>
CENTRAL_TEAM=<Amplify Central Team Name>
CENTRAL_ENVIRONMENT=<Amplify Central Environment Name> # created in Prepare AMPLIFY Central Environments step
CENTRAL_AUTH_CLIENTID=<Amplify Central Service Account> # created in Prepare AMPLIFY Central Environments step
CENTRAL_AUTH_PRIVATEKEY=/keys/private_key.pem # path to the key file created with openssl
CENTRAL_AUTH_PUBLICKEY=/keys/public_key.pem # path to the key file created with openssl
APIGEE_ORGANIZATION=<Apigee Organization> # created in Prepare Apigee step
APIGEE_DEVELOPERID=dev@email.address # created in Prepare Apigee step
APIGEE_AUTH_USERNAME=<Apigee Username> # created in Prepare Apigee step
APIGEE_AUTH_PASSWORD=<Apigee Password> # created in Prepare Apigee step
APIGEE_AUTH_URL=<IDP URL> # The IDP the agent should request an auth token from for Apigee API Access (default: https://login.apigee.com)
APIGEE_AUTH_SERVERUSERNAME=<Auth Server Username> # The username for requesting a token from the IDP server (default: edgecli)
APIGEE_AUTH_SERVERPASSWORD=<Auth Server Password> # The password for requesting a token from the IDP server (default: edgeclisecret)
Reference: Discovery Agent
Reference: Traceability Agent