A free self-hostable speed reader. Highly customizable. Implements chunking (RSVP), pacing and highlighting. Modern UI and local-storage only.
- adan89lionSeoul, Republic of Korea
- amizzo87Seattle, WA, USA
- birthrate
- CJDevelopsSweden
- DavideWiestFreelancing
- Decimate1405
- den7007
- FelixBenoit
- GabrielMoya2112
- greentown0
- gstillo
- jk@milchundzucker
- joecarpitaConduit
- jokajak
- ktran-1
- lottihill
- MatMyftaItaly
- MazenS
- n00b12345
- NodeswitchGlasgow, Scotland
- palla89@DualBit
- Raithmir
- remghoostCalifornia
- repo-gardener
- rocduranAndorra
- rohitpaulAmazon Web Services
- SalGntMusixmatch
- shawnkelley
- shrekki1816
- sr7142x
- Stonedge
- stuzer05
- thomaschaplin@trayio
- Tokarak
- WismutHansen
- xcassanello