- 星尾ながる☄️⛈️ / Hoshio Nagaru☄️⛈️
- このBot作成の企画をし、機能全てを考えた方です! / He is the person who planned the creation of this bot and thought of all the features!
- X(Twitter):https://twitter.com/Nagaru_ST7
This bot work on the discord. This bot helps VTubers create description that they create for collaborations.
インテント / Intents
権限 / Permissions
- bot
- applications.commands
- Send Messages
- Manage Messages
- Embed Links
- Read MEssage History
下記のスラッシュコマンドを入力して使うことができます。 / It can be used by entering the following slash command
/inforaction add
- name:[表示させたい名前]
- member:[どのDiscordユーザーに結びつけるか]
- stream_site_url[配信しているサイトのURL]
- x_url:[X(Twitter)のURL]
- number_interrupt:[登録されている番号のどこに割り込ませたいか]
/information delete
/information list
/order change
- role:[概要欄生成をさせたいユーザーのロール]
- display_x:[X(Twitter)の欄を表示させるかどうか(ON/OFF)]
- title:[敬称の指定]
/hashtag role:[ハッシュタグ生成をさせたいユーザーのロール]
- role:[概要欄生成をさせたいユーザーのロール]
- display_x:[X(Twitter)の欄を表示させるかどうか(ON/OFF)]
- title:[敬称の指定]
/language language:[言語の選択(ja/en)]
/inforaction add
- name:[name you want to display]
- member:[which Discord user to link to]
- stream_site_url[URL of the site you are distributing]
- x_url:[X (Twitter)]
- number_interrupt:[where in the registered number you want to interrupt]
/information delete
/information list
/order change
- role:[Role of the user for whom you want the summary field generation]
- display_x:[Whether to display the X (Twitter) field (ON/OFF)]
- title:[Respected title designation]
/hashtag role:[the role of the user you want to have hashtag generation]
- role:[role of user you want to have summary field generation]
- display_x:[whether to display X (Twitter) field (ON/OFF)]
- title:[specify honorific title]
/language language:[Select language (ja/en)]