
Music Web App using Spotify API is a simple application that allows users to play music using their spotify account. Built with React and TypeScript, the purpose of this project is to practice using useReducer and useContext hooks.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Music Web App using Spotify API

This is a simple music web application built with React, TypeScript, and the Spotify API. The purpose of this project is to practice using useReducer and useContext hooks with TypeScript.


  • User can search for music on Spotify.
  • User can view track details, including album art and artist name.
  • User can play the track.
  • User can view and play tracks from their playlist.

Technologies Used

  • React
  • TypeScript
  • Spotify API
  • TailwindCSS

How to Use

  • Clone the repository.
  • Create a new Spotify application in the Spotify Developer Dashboard.
  • Add http://localhost:3000 to the list of Redirect URIs in the Spotify application settings.
  • Copy the client ID and client secret from the Spotify application settings and paste them into the config.example.js file.
  • Rename the config.example.js file to config.js.
  • Run npm install to install the dependencies.
  • Run npm start to start the development server.

How to Contribute

  • Fork the repository.
  • Create a new branch.
  • Make your changes and commit them.
  • Push your changes to your fork.
  • Submit a pull request.


This project was inspired by the #Tech360 twitter community October 2022 Challenge.