
A website displaying various artworks from the Pokémon Trading Card Game

Primary LanguageJavaScript



A full-stack website to put the various arts from the Pokémon Trading Card game on display. The idea first came about when thinking what is something that a TCG(Trading Card Game) community would want. TCG players, especially those who strictly collect, are always in search of the most exclusive and rarest cards. The Magic the Gathering community has a website, artofmtg.com , that displays the various artworks from MTG with the artists that they are associated to. This is to be expected, since MTG collectors would commonly get their cards signed by their artists as a means to commerate the item. With that in mind, I wanted to do something with that for Pokemon, especially realizing that there is no current website dedicated to just the art.

The intent of this website is to display a gallery, where a user can browse through the various artworks and when taken interest, can see additional information on the origin of said artwork. There are different pages, each dedicated to the art, the artists, and the sets in which these cards originate from. When clicking on a art, artist, or set, the site will direct a user to a 'focus' page where details associated to the selected item would be on display. In addition, there is a user/login page where once a user is logged in, there is an additional feature made available to them where they can add a card, artist, and then tie the existing card with it's artist via the id. The last step is neccessary in order for the site to properly display the correct details on the site. A working idea could be where addition of a new artwork would be intended for would-be moderators of the site, whereas other users could only favorite/follow an artist which would be displayed on their user page.

A lesson that could be taken away from this project is that the purpose of a project is to be made clear. Thinking with the mindset of a general user, I have to constantly ask myself what are some options/functions that I would want from a site as I explore it. I, as a general user, do not want to be overloaded with features or information that would not be relevant to what I am originally searching for or using this website for. In other words, sometimes it's best to keep a project simple as long as it meets the required intended use.


  • Search a card in the Card Gallery page via the card name or by it's card type (Pokemon, Supporter, Item, Trainer)
  • Click on a card image, set name, or artist name to direct a user to page that displays details associated to the selected element
  • Sign a user in, or log a user in, to have access to a page in which a user can add a card, an artwork, and then tie the appropiate two to have it properly display on the site


  • Clone this repository to your local machine
  • Install the required dependencies pipenv install & shell
  • Set up the database by executing the "seed.py" script (make sure you are in the "server" directory when doing this)
  • Then in the same terminal, run the application by executing the "app.py" script
  • In a new terminal, install the required dependencies npm install in the root directory
  • In that same terminal, run the application by executing "npm start"


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Created by Anthony Lopez Email : anthonydlr66@gmail.com LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/in/anthony-lopez-203492126/