PICOW_A3 -- An embedded desktop decoration

The PICOW_A3 drives a 1.3-inch OLED display for content display.

For the driving instructions, please refer:SH1106

You can use thePICOW_A3_DATA_SENDERto display resource usage information such as the current CPU frequency,temperature,GPU frequency,temperature, etc.

For more details, please refer to:resc_serialize

The PICOW_A3_DATA_SENDER sends data every 2 seconds.

Once PICOW receives the data, it updates the displayed information on the screen, refreshing a fixed 100 frames each time. For details on how to achieve smooth transitions in displayed data, see:DynamicRendering

If you want to send data to PICOW via Bluetooth yourself, please refer to the following sections: DATA_TYPE, DATA_TYPE_ADD_QUEUE, PACK_DECODE.

You can determine the type of data being sent by recognizing the first byte of the RFCOMM data packet. For example, if packet[0] == 0x00, it will be identified as RESOURCE_MASG_PAC. Please refer to the aforementioned [DATA_TYPE]. The data will be placed in a thread-safe queue since the SPP service runs on CORE1.


git clone https://github.com/AyaSanae/PICOW_A3.git

mkdir build && cd build

cmake ..


After compiling and obtaining the PICOW_A3.uf2 file, hold down the BOOTSEL button on the Raspberry Pi Pico W while connecting it to your computer. Then, copy the PICOW_A3.uf2 file into the Raspberry Pi Pico W.