UD-Viz is a JavaScript library based on iTowns, using npm and published on the npm package repository, allowing to visualize, analyse and interact with urban data.
A tutorial of the game engine can be found here
Developing UD-Viz requires some knowledge about JS, node.js, npm and three.js.
Install and update npm
sudo apt-get install npm ## Will pull NodeJS sudo npm install -g n sudo n latest
References: how can I update Nodejs, and install Ubuntu
git clone https://github.com/VCityTeam/UD-Viz.git
cd UD-Viz
npm install
npm run build
cd /
git clone https://github.com/VCityTeam/UD-SimpleServer
cd UD-SimpleServer
npm install
node index.js PATH_TO_UD-Viz 8000
- UD-Viz-Template (demonstration) application,
- online demos are available here
Installing Visual Studio Code is recommended, in order to use the plugin formatter Prettier. Once installed you should setup Prettier with single quote coding style (Preferences => Settings => Type in search bar : Single quote => Toggle single quote of Prettier extension)
Before pushing your modifications to the origin repository please run:
npm run travis
in order to assert that eslint
and webpack
commands are still effective
Tip for Windows developers: eslint requires Linux style newline characters which are often overwritten in Windows environments. Although this is automatically resolved by Git when pushing code, eslint may detect "incorrect" newline characters when running locally. To attempt to fix this you may need to run npm run eslint -- --fix
- Component
folder: a set of components
- Extension: a component depending on a web service in order to be functionnal.
- web widgets
- Templates
- itowns views
UD-Viz (repo)
├── src # All the js sources of UD-Viz JS library
| ├── Components # A set of components used by sub-directories at this level
| ├── Templates # Classes builded with other sub-directory (Game, Widgets, Views) to propose application model
| ├── Views # Classes of 3D views encapsulating the itowns view
| ├── Game # A sub-directory offering game engine functionnality
| | ├── Shared # code that can be executed both and client and server side to simulate a world
| |
| └── Widgets # A sub-directory gathering a set web web widgets (UI)
| ├── Widget_1
| ├── Widget_2
| ├── ...
| └── Extensions # Widgets depending on an external web service
├── ...
└── webpack.js
- The position of a specific component in the sub-folder hierarchy reflects
how it is shared/re-used by sub-directories. For example if a given component
is only used by a single widget, then it gets defined within that widget
folder. But when another component usage is shared by two widgets then
its definition directory gets promoted at the level of the two widgets
└── src # holds all the js sources that will be build ├── Components | └── Component_1 # A component shared by the Game and Widgets sub-directories | └── *.js ... # Component definition ├── Game | └── Shared | └── Component_2 # A component used by the Shared sub-set of the Game sub-directory | └── ... └── Widgets ├── Components | └── Component_3 # A component shared by at least two widgets | └── ... └── Widget_1 └── Component_4 # A component only used by Widget_1 (of the Widgets sub-directory) └── ...