Hello, let's build a simple app that allows us to keep track of our favorite quotes and who said it.

If you don't have json-server installed, run $ npm i -g json-server.
If you already have it installed, run the server by: $ json-server --watch db.json.


  • Populate page with quotes with a GET request to http://localhost:3000/quotes.

  • Each quotes should have the following structure:

      <li class='quote-card'>
        <blockquote class="blockquote">
          <p class="mb-0">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer posuere erat a ante.</p>
          <footer class="blockquote-footer">Someone famous</footer>
          <button class='btn-success'>Likes: <span>0</span></button>
          <button class='btn-danger'>Delete</button>
  • Submitting the form creates a new quote and adds it to the list of quotes without having to refresh the page. (Whether you choose to optimistically render or not is up to you).

  • Clicking the delete button should delete the respective quote from the database and remove it from the page without having to refresh.

  • Clicking the like button will increase the number of likes for this particular comment in the database and on the page without having to refresh.


  • Add an edit button to each quote-card that will allow the editing of a quote. (Hint: there is no 'correct' way to do this. You can try creating a hidden form that will only show up when hitting the edit button.)
  • Add a sort button on the page that I can toggle on and off that will sort the list of quotes by author name.