AudioPhile E-Commerce Website was created using React, FaceBook made Javascript Framework. Template design downloaded from Frontend Mentor as a pro subscription. Fews of the technologies used for this Project are:

  1. The React Hook Form: The React Hook form is one of the library used for this project. React Hook Forms basically helps with validations and avoid controlled input. Validations are done onTrigger, either text change, tab change, onchange itself. This is really a great tool as it helps in developing the projec more faster.

  2. Pretty-Checkbox: The Pretty checkbox is a css file downloaded from dev's github account. As we all know, it somehow hard to style native radio buttons including checboxes. so this library was used as well to style radio buttons used in the project

one of the features of this project is that it used localstorage to save items that as been added into cart. no matter how refreshed your refresing your browser, items added would still be inside localstorage unless you remove them manually or when purchase has been made successfully.

React hooks used are

  1. useState

  2. useEffect

  3. useContext: managing data globally. equivalent to the redux when joined with the useReducer hooks

  4. useHistory,Link coming from react-router-dom library

  5. json data used locally

  6. Animate on scroll was not also excluded as it was used to animate contents in the applications.