Documenting how to setup react app from scratch using webpack5


  1. Setup a basic React app with Typescript and webpack 5

  2. configure webpack and typescript to allow rendering of images and SVGS

  3. Setup webpack config for multiple environments like dev and prod

  4. Add react refresh - (Hot Reload)

  5. Linting with ESLINT and Code formatting with Prettier

  6. Husky - (to lint code before pushing)



Babel is basically a transpiler to transfile our jsx file into javascript to be understood by the browser.

npm install -D @babel/core @babel/preset-env @babel/preset-react @babel/preset-typescript

after installation, we need to add a babel configuration file to list the preset babel needs to use called .babelrc


  • "start": "webpack server --config webpack/webpack.config.js --open" This basically means webpack should serve the config files that we have specified in the webpacl folder and inside webpack.config.js. --open basically opens the browser by default

    The eslint...a11y has accessiblity standards to applications in real time

    linting-stage basically prevents commiting

    husky avoids pushing non formatted code to github