
Can't convert .AVI files

Opened this issue · 5 comments

Actually files with ext .AVI after converting don't have video stream, there is only audio. Maybe it will help you to fix this issue - the parameter "-pix_fmt yuv420p" fixes the problem

same issue here... I just spent a long time looking at this thinking it was a problem with all videos but it seems to be just avi.

Thank you @web-roman, I'll add that on the next push, were you converting to .mp4?

yes, i'm was converting to .mp4

I tried it using WinFF v 1.54 and it went through the motions and created a file that didn’t play at all. Your library gave me audio without video.

From: Aydin [mailto:notifications@github.com]
Sent: Sunday, 10 April 2016 12:00 PM
To: AydinAdn/MediaToolkit MediaToolkit@noreply.github.com
Cc: joedean3 joe@joedean.net
Subject: Re: [AydinAdn/MediaToolkit] Can't convert .AVI files (#37)

Are you able to convert the .avi content outside of the library? It may be due to the version of FFmpeg that's packaged with the release

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i am facing problem converting AVI file. The file gets converted OK and plays fine in Windows Media Player as well as Media Player Classic, but it doesn't play in HTML5 video element in a web app.

As suggested by "web-roman" , i added following line in CommandBuilder.cs file;

commandBuilder.AppendFormat(" -i "{0}" ", inputFile.Filename);
commandBuilder.AppendFormat(" -pix_fmt "{0}" ", "yuv420p"); (AS per web-roman suggestion)
commandBuilder.AppendFormat(" -vcodec "{0}" ", "libx264");
return commandBuilder.AppendFormat(" "{0}" ", outputFile.Filename).ToString();

but that doesn't help either.

can anybody throw light on this AVI file conversion issue?
