
Papers on script learning and event representation learning

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Papers for Script Event

Papers for script learning and event representation learning


  • Han, et al., A survey of script learning, FITEE'2021. [PDF]


Gigaword Corpus

MCNC: Granroth-Wilding and Clark, What Happens Next? Event Prediction Using a Compositional Neural Network Model, AAAI'2016. [PDF][code and modification]

Note: Lv (2019) and Lee (2019) use different tools (Stanford CoreNLP) with Granroth-Wilding (2016), so results are not directly comparable.

Origin of script

Schank and Abelson, Scripts, plans, goals and understanding, 1977

Research line on script learning

  • Chambers and Jurafsky, Unsupervised Learning of Narrative Event Chains, ACL'2008. [PDF]
  • Chambers and Jurafsky, Unsupervised Learning of Narrative Schemas and their Participants, ACL'2009. [PDF]
  • Jans, et al., Skip n-grams and Ranking Functions for Predicting Script Events, EACL'2012. [PDF]
  • Balasubramanian, et al., Generating Coherent Event Schemas at Scale, EMNLP'2013. [PDF]
  • Pichotta and Mooney, Statistical Script Learning with Multi-Argument Events, EACL'2014. [PDF]
  • Rudinger, et al., Script Induction as Language Modeling, EMNLP'2015. [PDF]
  • Pichotta and Mooney, Learning Statistical Scripts with LSTM Recurrent Neural Networks, AAAI'2016. [PDF]
  • Granroth-Wilding and Clark, What Happens Next? Event Prediction Using a Compositional Neural Network Model, AAAI'2016. [PDF][Code]
  • Wang, et al., Integrating Order Information and Event Relation for Script Event Prediction, EMNLP'2017. [PDF][Code]
  • Li, et al., Constructing Narrative Event Evolutionary Graph for Script Event Prediction, IJCAI'2018. [PDF][Code]
  • Lee and Goldwasser, Multi-Relational Script Learning for Discourse Relations, ACL'2019. [PDF][Code]
  • Lv, et al., SAM-Net: Integrating event-level and chain-level attentions to predict what happens next, AAAI'2019. [PDF]
  • Zheng, et al., Incorporating scenario knowledge into a unified fine-tuning architecture for event representation, SIGIR'2020. [PDF]
  • Lv, et al., Integrating External Event Knowledge for Script Learning, COLING'2020. [PDF]
  • Lee, et al., Weakly-supervised modeling of contextualized event embedding for discourse relations, EMNLP'2020 findings. [PDF][Code]
  • Bai, et al., Integrating Deep Event-Level and Script-Level Information for Script Event Prediction, EMNLP'2021. [PDF][Code]
  • Wang, et al., Incorporating Circumstances into Narrative Event Prediction, EMNLP'2021 findings. [PDF][Code]

Research line on event representation learning

  • Modi and Titov, Learning Semantic Script Knowledge with Event Embeddings, ICLR'2013 workshop. [PDF]
  • Modi, Event Embeddings for Semantic Script Modeling, CoNLL'2016. [PDF]
  • Weber, et al., Event Representations with Tensor-Based Compositions, AAAI'2018. [PDF][Code]
  • Lee and Goldwasser, FEEL: Featured Event Embedding Learning, AAAI'2018. [PDF]
  • Ding, et al., Event Representation Learning Enhanced with External Commonsense Knowledge, EMNLP'2019. [PDF][Code]