
software programming 2 course, cpp, second task, operators on Graphs

Primary LanguageC++

Email adress: ayeletk03@gmail.com

ID: 325408409

cpp_task_2 : operators on Graphs

software programming 2 course, cpp, second task, operators on Graphs


This exercise was about the Graph data structure class and implementing different operators for this type of objects. These Graphs support both directed and undirected graphs.

Graph Class

  • Constructor

    • Graph(): Initializes an empty graph.
    • Graph(const Graph& g) : A copy constructor.
  • Member Functions

    • void loadGraph(const std::vector<std::vector<int>>& gra3): Loads a graph from a square adjacency matrix. Throws an error if the matrix is not square.
    • void printGraph(): Prints the graph's adjacency matrix, number of vertices, and number of edges.


  • Assignment Operator

    • Graph& operator=(const Graph& other): Assigns one graph to another.
  • Arithmetic Operators

    • Graph operator+(const Graph& other) const: Adds two graphs by adding corresponding edges.
    • Graph operator-(const Graph& other) const: Subtracts one graph from another by subtracting corresponding edges.
    • Graph operator*(int a): Multiplies all edges of the graph by an integer.
    • Graph operator*(const Graph& other) const: Multiplies two graphs using matrix multiplication.
  • Unary Operators

    • Graph operator-() const: Negates all edges of the graph.
    • Graph operator+() const: Returns a copy of the graph.
  • Compound Assignment Operators

    • Graph& operator+=(const Graph& other): Adds another graph to the current graph.
    • Graph& operator-=(const Graph& other): Subtracts another graph from the current graph.
  • Increment and Decrement Operators

    • Graph& operator++(): Prefix increment; increases all non-zero edges by 1.
    • Graph& operator--(): Prefix decrement; decreases all non-zero edges by 1.
    • Graph operator++(int): Postfix increment; increases all non-zero edges by 1.
    • Graph operator--(int): Postfix decrement; decreases all non-zero edges by 1.
  • Stream Insertion Operator

    • friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Graph& graph): Outputs the adjacency matrix of the graph to a stream.
  • Comparison Operators

    • bool operator==(const Graph& other) const: Compares two graphs for equality.
    • bool operator!=(const Graph& other) const: Compares two graphs for inequality.
    • bool operator<(const Graph& other) const: Checks if the current graph is a subgraph of another graph or has fewer edges.
    • bool operator>(const Graph& other) const: Checks if the current graph is a supergraph of another graph or has more edges.
    • bool operator<=(const Graph& other) const: Checks if the current graph is less than or equal to another graph.
    • bool operator>=(const Graph& other) const: Checks if the current graph is greater than or equal to another graph.

Utility Functions

  • bool isSymetric(const std::vector<std::vector<int>>& ee): Checks if a given adjacency matrix is symmetric.
  • int countEdges(std::vector<std::vector<int>> graph, bool directed): Counts the number of edges in the graph.
  • bool sameEdges(const Graph& a, const Graph& other): Checks if two graphs have the same edges.
  • bool isSubmatrix(const Graph& original, const Graph& subgraph): Checks if one graph is a submatrix of another.