
Build a basic React Native Application to get familiar with React Native UI Interface, Navigation and Storybook

Primary LanguageJavaScript

React Native - Currency Converter

React Native Basics: Build a Currency Converter

Go through this course: https://learn.handlebarlabs.com/p/react-native-basics-build-a-currency-converter/

  • Setup RN Development environment
  • Setup RN Debugger (react dev tools, Chrome developer tools, redux logger)
  • Implement User Interface using RN flexbox (Home Screen , Currency List Screen, Options Screen, Themes Screen)
  • Implement Multiple themes
  • Implement Navigation using RN Navigation
  • Setup Redux (Actions, Reducers Store)
  • Work with Remote API using Redux Saga

Add Multiple Quote Currencies

  • User should be able to add multiple quote currencies for conversion into base currency

Project Structure and Organization

  • Each folder has a main index.js file
  • File names are in kebab-case which is hyphenated-like-this
  • index.js files must be used in each dir for shorter imports
  • index.js will first import all child files / concerns, and then export them from that one file.
  • If a file / concern spans on multiple files, create a separate dir for it
  • Always specify prop-types for each component
  • Order of prop-type definitions should be that the non-primitives first and primitives second.
  • The action-types must follow the noun first convention
  • Maintain order of imports
  • Use the object shorthand form of mapDispatchToProps, unless you have a specific reason to customize the dispatching behavior.
  • Remove default export
  • Prefer single quotes in JSX

Styling with Styled Components

  • Implement styling via styled components
  • Handle theme and multiple themes via styled Components' Theme Provider
  • Sort all CSS properties by alphabetical order.
  • Prefix styled components with 'Styled'

State Persistence on App Closing

  • Implement (e2e) mock Login screen that takes username / password and after a timeout of 500 ms, logs-in user to app
  • Default landing screen should be Login screen and when user fills the form, he is redirected to the Currencies Conversion screen
  • User should have the ability to mark some currencies as favorite, i.e., show favorite currencies with correctly loaded rates when Currencies screen is rendered
  • Implement state persistence, such that when user closes the app, his/her logged-in state along with favourite currencies remain saved
  • Implement rehydration of persisted data, i.e., when an app is opened, the logged-in state + favorite currencies are loaded

UI Library Development with Storybooks

  • Install and setup Storybooks for development (installation)
  • Configure Storybooks for RN (knobs, actions, folder/file structuring)
  • Write stories for all UI components
  • Setup structural testing with StoryShots

To Run this Project

  • npx react-native link (for react native icons)
  • run cd ios && pod install
  • run yarn ios