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1. Inspiration

The inspiration for creating a website about farmers in West Bengal stems from the desire to empower and support the agricultural community in the region. This website aims to provide a platform where farmers can access valuable information, resources, and connect with agricultural experts. By offering a central hub for knowledge sharing and community engagement, the website aims to enhance farming practices, promote sustainability, and foster growth within the farming community in West Bengal.

2. What it does(Problem Statement)

The problem statement for farmers in West Bengal revolves around the challenges they face in their agricultural practices. Issues such as limited access to modern farming techniques, lack of market information, inadequate infrastructure, and unpredictable weather conditions impact the productivity and profitability of farmers in the region. This website aims to address these challenges by providing resources, expert guidance, and a platform for collaboration to empower farmers and improve their livelihoods.

3. Features

  1. Online and offline Workshops: Our aim is to provide expert guidance to the farmers through workshops and let them get accustomed to the User Interface(UI)of our website.

  2. Courses: Our aim is to provide free or affordable courses in linguistical languages to farmers so that they can adopt to modern techniques in farming and uses organic chemicals.

  3. Community Platform: Facilitates community engagement among farmers, allowing them to share experiences, exchange ideas, and collaborate on farming practices.

  4. Weather Updates: Offers real-time weather information and forecasts to help farmers make informed decisions about crop cultivation and irrigation.

  5. Marketplace: Provides a platform for farmers to access a marketplace where they can buy and sell agricultural products, equipment, and services.

  6. Chat Rooms: Enables farmers to participate in chat rooms and discussions, fostering knowledge sharing and networking among peers.

4. What’s next for KrishiSamarth

After the hackathon, web application will be improved by adding the following features:
  • Experts (in this field) appointment feature for easy consultation
  • Personalized and secured Discussion Forum
  • Video calls for interacting with fellow members.
  • ML trained model to suggest things according to their soil type and environment.

5. Challenges we ran into

Without facing and overcoming challenges, it is impossible to achieve victory.

  1. User Engagement: Encouraging active participation and engagement from the farming community required thoughtful design and features that resonated with their needs and preferences.
  2. Integration with External APIs: Integrating weather data and other external APIs posed challenges in terms of data retrieval, handling responses, and ensuring seamless integration with the website's functionality.
  3. User Experience: Creating a user-friendly interface that catered to farmers with varying levels of technological proficiency was a challenge. We aimed to strike a balance between simplicity and providing comprehensive information.

6. Accomplishments that we're proud of

  • Used FireBase to store data
  • Used weather Api for weather forecast
  • Authentication and Authorization using Auth0 Users get to experience a hassle-free login system by just entering their email addresses and password.

7. Built With

API Weather api and firebase api
Tools Postman, GitHub,VS code,git bash
Languages HTML, CSS, SCSS, JavaScript, Tailwind, React
Backend + DataBase Firebase
Hosting Platform Vercel


Open your favorite Terminal and run these commands: Clone the repository:

git clone https://github.com/Soumyajit2825/Krishi-Samarth

Navigate to the project folder:

cd Krishi-Samarth

Install node modules:

npm install

Start the server:

npm run dev



10. ScreenShot



  • Soumyajit Mondal
  • Ayishik Das
  • Snehadrita Seth
  • Koustav Chatterjee