React Weather App

Live Demo

This application is deployed on Netlify:

About the project


This React application provides a user-friendly interface to display the upcoming 5-day weather forecast based on your location. It offers visually appealing weather cards with icons, metric/imperial unit switching, and persistence of user preferences using localStorage.


  • location-Based Weather: Retrieves weather data for 5 days based on your current location.

Important Information

Since the OpenWeatherMap forecast5 endpoint, which is a paid feature, provides data in 3-hour intervals for 5 days, I've implemented the following data processing:

  • Data Filtering: To display the weather for each day, I filter this data to show the weather for each day around noon (12:00 PM) to midnight.

Rationale for Data Filtering:

Focusing on the 12:00 PM to midnight timeframe provides a more representative overview of each day's weather conditions, as it encompasses the period when people are typically most active and likely to be planning outdoor activities.

  • Card-Style Display: Presents weather information in sleek, responsive cards showcasing the date, weather condition, and icon.

  • Detailed View: Clicking a card opens a separate page with more comprehensive weather details for that specific day.

  • Metric/Imperial Units: Users can seamlessly switch between metric (Celsius, kilometers per hour) and imperial (Fahrenheit, miles per hour) units to suit their preference.

  • Persistent User Preferences: User-chosen units are stored in localStorage, ensuring persistence across browser sessions.

  • Mobile-Friendly: Designed for optimal viewing on mobile devices.

  • Comprehensive Testing: Unit and integration tests written with React Testing Library and Vitest guarantee the application's functionality and code quality.

Tech Stack


  • React.js
  • React Router Dom
  • TanStack Query

Development Tools:

  • TypeScript
  • Vite
  • SASS


  • Vitest
  • React Testing Library
  • Mock Service Worker (MSW)


Pages Routes Description
HomePage / Current weather + forecast for next 4 days
DetailsPage /:weekDay Weather details for selected day
PageNotFound /invalid-route Current page not found or does not exist

Getting Started


  1. Ensure you have Node.js and npm installed on your system. You can download them from the official websites:


To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variable to your .env.local file.

  1. Copy the .env.local.example to .env.local:

    cp .env.local.example .env.local
  2. Open the newly created .env.local file and add your actual API key:



  • Clone the repository or download the source code.
  • Install dependencies using npm install.
  • Start the development server using npm run dev. This will typically launch the application in your browser at http:localhost:5173. Note: If you see a different port number in your terminal output, use that port instead of 5173 in the URL.


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.