Anime List App:
Netlify Link: https://boisterous-bubblegum-05dc60.netlify.app/
Heroku Link: https://anime-list-27.herokuapp.com/api/users
Third Party API Utilized:
Jikan: https://docs.api.jikan.moe/#tag/anime
This anime list app, currently titled "Out of Touch", is a website to keep track of anime titles. It is a functional CRUD app, albeit one that could use major improvements. Currently, a user of the website is able to create a user, edit a user's details, delete a user, and add to their list.
Adding to a user's list is the main feature of the application -- Going to either the "Top 50", "Random Anime", or "Search" sections of the website will provide the user with a method to add anime to their list. What must first be done is to select a user. After that, a user can add an anime to their list. Once that is done, the page must be refreshed.
The project's major limitation is the lack of a global state. This hinders several vital areas of the project, and imposes unfair limitations on the user. Redux implementation will be a future (and most immediate) goal for the project.
https://www.figma.com/file/0zx7vZQ4nzEBNsKG3C7POq/Untitled?node-id=0%3A1 https://www.figma.com/file/0zx7vZQ4nzEBNsKG3C7POq/Untitled?node-id=2%3A2
Node.js MongoDB/Mongoose Express React
Backend: dotenv nodemon cors morgan
Frontend: react-router-dom react-bootstrap axios
React router Minimal Boostrap Full CRUD operation Third Party API utilization
Redux Implementation - For multiple additions to a user's list from one API call. User Authorization - To prevent vandalism of other user's pages. Mature Content Filter - To give users some ease of mind while searchinng for anime or getting random selections. Better CSS Implementation - Current implementation is subpar.
GET all users: https://anime-list-27.herokuapp.com/api/users GET user by ID: https://anime-list-27.herokuapp.com/api/users/:id POST Create a user: https://anime-list-27.herokuapp.com/api/users PUT Update user: https://anime-list-27.herokuapp.com/api/users DELETE user by ID: https://anime-list-27.herokuapp.com/api/users
const User = new Schema( { username: {type: String, required: true}, email: {type: String, required: true}, listArray: {type: Array, required:true, default: []} }, {timestamps: true} );
(Quite simple, isn't it? The third party API does most of the work--- It takes the id numbers listed in "listArray" and displays our data that way.)