
genSetAnnotation main repository

The genSetAnnotation is a pipeline (written in Java) dedicated to the annotation of human gene sets using the Gene Ontology (GO). The pipeline combines ontology methods, data mining approaches and combinatory algorithms to provide a representative annotation for a given gene set.

The following components are included in the repository:

  • Maven source
  • [resources] Two lists of gene modules: BTM and V2_Trial_8
  • [resources] OWL of Gene Ontology: version 07/05/2018
  • [resources] Gene Ontology Annotation is provided in gaf 2.0 format: version 21/05/2018
  • [resources] R scripts
  • [results] All analysis results
  • Runnable jars necessary to execute the pipeline

Running analysis

First of all, you need to run the Rscript DavidAnalysis.R to get the enrichment annotations for the BTM and V2_Trial_8 modules.

Rscript resources/Rscript/DavidAnalysis.R Note: Verify if the first line of the script is uncommented

To run the analysis using the BTM and V2_Trial_8 modules, you have to launch in your terminal the following command:

java -jar -Xmx20g -Xms10g geneSetAnnotationPipeline.jar

The -Xmx and -Xms are adapted to a computer with at least 25 Go of RAM.

Then the R script can be run from the terminal, but before doing this, you need to uncomment the first line (corresponding to setwd(dirname(rstudioapi::getSourceEditorContext()$path))). The recommended order to run the different R scripts is:

  • ClusterQuality.R
  • zindex.R
  • Visualization.R
  • supplementaryVis.R

Rscript resources/Rscript/.R

Analysis of a gene set

To analyse exclusively one gene set (to recover its representative annotation), you need to execute the following line command:

java -jar geneSetAnnotationAnalysis.jar <list_genes>

The list of genes must be provided as symbol ids and each id has to be separated by coma (without space). An example is given: