Arabic Dialect Classification


This repository contains the code and resources for a project focused on classifying Arabic tweets dialect. The aim of the project is to develop a machine learning model that can accurately classify tweets written in different Arabic dialects.


The dataset used for this project consists of a large collection of Arabic tweets, each labeled with the corresponding dialect. The tweets cover a wide range of topics and are written in various Arabic dialects, including but not limited to Egyptian, Libyan, Gulf, and Maghrebi dialects.

Project Structure

The repository is organized as follows:

data/: This directory contains the dataset used for training and evaluation. It includes both the raw data and preprocessed versions, if applicable.

notebooks/: This directory contains Jupyter notebooks that provide step-by-step explanations of the data exploration, preprocessing, model training, and evaluation processes.

models/: This directory contains trained machine learning models for Arabic dialect tweets classification. It includes model files and associated resources.

src/: This directory contains the source code for the project, including data preprocessing scripts, model training scripts, and evaluation scripts.

utils/: This directory contains utility functions and helper scripts used throughout the project.

deployment/:This directory contains source code required for project deployment.

requirements.txt: This file lists the Python libraries and dependencies required to run the code in this repository.

Getting Started

To get started with the project, follow these steps:

Clone the repository:

Install the required dependencies. It is recommended to set up a virtual environment for this project:

  • cd Arabic-Dialect-Classification
  • pip install -r requirements.txt

Explore the notebooks/ directory to understand the project workflow and learn about the data preprocessing and model training processes.

Use the provided scripts in the src/ directory to preprocess new data, train new models, and evaluate their performance.

Use the pretrained model weights provided to finetune or classify immediately.

Models Comparison

The table below compares the performance of different models trained and evaluated for Arabic dialect tweets classification:

In this project we used variety of models with different preprocessing techniques.

RNN: Embedding(64) SimpleRNN Dense(64) Dense(5) Optimizer=Adam , learning rate= 0.001
GRU : Embedding(64) GRU() Dense(64) Dense(5) Optimizer=Adam , learning rate = 0.001
Simple RNN: Embedding(64) LSTM() Dense(64) Dense(5) Optimizer=Adam , learning rate = 0.001
Activation in dense layers : relu, softmax
Batch size = 32 epochs = 2

Model F1_macro_val accuracy_val
ML 0.80 0.83
Arabert 0.86 0.87
RNN 0.81 0.84
GRU 0.83 0.86
LSTM 0.83 0.86


For deploying the Arabic Dialect Tweets Classification project, we utilized the Render platform in conjunction with FastAPI, a powerful web framework for building APIs with Python. Render simplifies the deployment process by providing an easy-to-use cloud platform, while FastAPI allows us to develop efficient and scalable API endpoints.


Render is a cloud platform designed to make deployment simple and hassle-free. It supports a wide range of applications and provides an intuitive interface for managing deployments. With Render, we were able to easily configure and deploy our Arabic Dialect Tweets Classification project.


FastAPI is a modern, high-performance web framework for building APIs with Python. It offers numerous features, including automatic validation of request/response models, high performance powered by asynchronous capabilities, and automatic generation of interactive API documentation. FastAPI allowed us to develop a robust and efficient API for our project.

Deployment Process

To deploy our Arabic Dialect Tweets Classification project, we followed these steps:

  1. Configured a Render project: We created a new project on the Render platform and connected it to our GitHub repository containing the project code.

  2. Set up the environment: We defined the necessary environment variables in the Render project settings. These variables included the port number and any other project-specific configurations.

  3. Build and deploy the project: Render automatically triggered the deployment process whenever we pushed new code to the connected GitHub repository. The deployment process involved installing project dependencies, such as those specified in the requirements_render.txt file, and starting the FastAPI server.

  4. Accessing the deployed project: Once the deployment was complete, Render provided us with a unique URL where the Arabic Dialect Tweets Classification project was accessible. You can access the deployed project here :

The combination of Render and FastAPI made the deployment process efficient and reliable, allowing us to easily share our Arabic Dialect Tweets Classification project with others.

Deployment interface




Contributions to this project are welcome.