
Mootools version of the popular jQuery Impromptu

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Plugin Name

Mootools version of Impromptu for modal like prompts and forms.


How to use

There are a couple ways to invoke Moopromptu: The basic way:

var myPrompt = new Impromptu(); 
myPrompt.show('hello world!');

The shortcut way:

$prompt.show(msg, options);

Where msg may be a string or an object of states (see documentation).

Moopromptu is also tied to Element, so the msg will be pulled from the html property of the object.

myEl.prompt('My nice message');


Screenshot 1

Screenshot 2

Arbitrary section

Functionality of Moopromptu is identical to jQuery Impromptu. All options are implemented. See the documentation for all options: