
Sign-up form, login page and a welcoming homepage.

Primary LanguagePHP


There are 3 pages :[signup.php, login.php, hompage.php];


The sign-up form takes user name, password & password confirmation.

1- The user name can't be blank.
2- The password can't be blank.
3- The password confirmation must be the same as the password.
4- The user name must be new (not used before).

All of the above is required for the form to be submitted.
-----------[[user name & password registered]]------------


The login form takes user name & password.

1- The user name can't be blank.
2- The password can't be blank.
3- The user name and password must match what's pre-registered.

All of the above is required for the form to be submitted.
-------------------[[logged in account]]------------------
