
This is a backend structure (Node API & PostgreSQL Database) for a storefront where you can create & manage users, products, and orders.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Storefront Backend Project


This is a backend structure (API & Database) for a storefront where you can create users, products, and orders.

1. Users:

A user is created with a username, first name, last name, and password. Through the user, the actual user is allowed to create products and orders.

2. Products:

A product is created with a name, price, and category. Products can be added to orders by their id which is incremently automatically created with the product.

3. Orders:

An order is created with a user id which is incremently automatically created with the user, and a list of products by their id, and quantity for each product.


There's a file named database.ts that defines the used database. While testing, keep on using the second client declaration and commenting the first one so you use the test database. When wishing to switch to dev environment, comment the second declaration and un-comment the first.

How To Use:

  1. Create .env file:
    Create a file in the root directory named .env and add the following:
  1. Make sure which database you wish to use and activate the responding client declaration in database.ts
  2. Migrate the database
  3. Start the server.
  4. Create a user:
    Submit a POST request through the /user route, providing the following in the request body:
        "username": string (a unique identifier for the user),
        "first_name": string,
        "last_name": string,
        "password": string (memorize for use later),
        "confirm": string (confirm the password again)

You will recieve a response with a user object consisting of:

        "token" (Keep this token for use later)
  1. Create one or more products:
    Submit a POST request through the /product route, providing the following in the request body:
        "name": string,
        "price": number,
        "category": string

You will recieve a response with a product object consisting of:

  1. Create one or more orders
    Submit a POST request through the /order route, providing the following in the request body:
        "products": [
                "product_id": number (the id of the product to add to the order from the products table),
                "quantity": number (the quantity for this product)
        ]: array of objects (containing each product and its quantity)

You will recieve a response with an order object consisting of:

        "status" (defaults to active and changes to complete if another order is created by the same user or if edited using {status: true})

Avaiable Operations:

After following the previous steps, you will have the minimum requirements to use all the operations provided by the API, which include:

  1. User Operations

    1. index:
      This will return all created users. Used through submitting a GET request to the /user route, providing the following in the request body:
         "token": (a JWT returned in the response body when you create a user or login, so we know it's an existing user requesting to see all other users' information)

    You will receive an array of users' information (first_name, last_name) in the response body.

    1. show:
      This will return a specific user. Used through submitting a GET request to the /user/<user-id> route, providing the following in the request body:
         "token": (a JWT returned in the response body when you create a user or login, so we know it's an existing user requesting to see another user's information)

    You will receive an object of user's information (first_name, last_name) in the response body.

    1. edit:
      This allows you to edit some of your user's information (first_name, last_name, password). Used through submitting a PUT request to the /user route, providing the following in the request body (depending on what you want to change):
         "username": (your username),
         "password": (your password),
         "first_name": (desired new first name, *optional*),
         "last_name": (desired new last name, *optional*),
         "new_password": (desired new password, *optional*),
         "token": (a JWT returned in the response body when you create a user or login, so we know it's the exact user requesting to change their own information)

    You will receive an object of your user's information after being edited (username, first_name, last_name) in the response body..

    1. remove:
      This allows you to remove your user from the database. Used through submitting a DELETE request to the /user route, providing the following in the request body:
         "username": (your username),
         "password": (your password),
         "token": (a JWT returned in the response body when you create a user or login, so we know it's the exact user requesting to delete their own information)

    You will receive an object of your user's information before being deleted (username, first_name, last_name) in the response body.

    1. login:
      This allows you to get your user's token to be able to use the above methods and more. Used through submitting a POST request to the /login route, providing the following in the request body:
         "username": (your username),
         "password": (your password)

    You will receive an object with your user's information along with your user's token in the response body.

  2. Product Operations:

    1. index:
      This will return all created products. Used through submitting an empty GET request to the /product route. You will receive an array of products' information (product_id ,name, price, category) in the response body.

    2. show:
      This will return all created products. Used through submitting an empty GET request to the /product/<product-id> route. You will receive an object of product's information (product_id ,name, price, category) in the response body.

    3. edit:
      This allows you to edit some of your product's information (name, price, category). Used through submitting a PUT request to the /product/<product-id> route, providing the following in the request body (depending on what you want to change):

         "name": (desired new name, *optional*),
         "price": (desired new price, *optional*),
         "category": (desired new category, *optional*),
         "token": (a JWT returned in the response body when you create a user or login, so we know it's the exact user owning this product by creating it who is requesting to change its information)

    You will receive an object of your product's information after being edited (product_id, name, price, category) in the response body..

    1. remove:
      This allows you to remove your product from the database. Used through submitting a DELETE request to the /product/<product-id> route, providing the following in the request body:
         "token": (a JWT returned in the response body when you create a user or login, so we know it's the exact user owning this product by creating it who is requesting to delete it)

    You will receive an object of your user's information before being deleted (username, first_name, last_name) in the response body.

  3. Order Operations:

    1. index:
      This will return all created orders. Used through submitting a GET request to the /order route, providing the following in the request body:
         "admin_password": (a string saved as an environment variable under ADMIN_PASSWORD, representing an admin credential to access all orders made by all users)

    You will receive an array of orders' information (order_id, user_id, status, products(product_id, quantity)) in the response body.

    1. show:
      This will return a specific order. Used through submitting a GET request to the /order/<order-id> route, providing the following in the request body:
         "token": (a JWT returned in the response body when you create a user or login, so we know it's the exact user who made the order requesting to see their own order's information)

    You will receive an object of order's information (order_id, user_id, status, products(product_id, quantity)) in the response body.

    1. edit:
      This allows you to edit some of your order's information (products, status). Used through submitting a PUT request to the /order/<order-id> route, providing the following in the request body (depending on what you want to change):
         "status": (a boolean value that if set to 'true' changes the order status from active to completed, *optional*),
         "add": [
                 "product_id": (the id of the product desired to add to the order),
                 "quantity": (desired quantity of the product mentioned above)
         ] (an array of products to add to order, *optional*),
         "change": [
                 "product_id": (the id of the product desired to change its quantity in the order),
                 "quantity": (desired new quantity of the product mentioned above)
         ] (an array of products to change their quantity in order, *optional*),
         "remove": [
                 "product_id": (the id of the product desired to remove from the order)
         ] (an array of products to remove from order, *optional*),
         "token": (a JWT returned in the response body when you create a user or login, so we know it's the exact user who made the order requesting to change their own order's information)

    You will receive an object of your order's information after being edited (order_id, user_id, status, products(product_id, quantity)) in the response body..

    1. remove:
      This allows you to remove your order from the database. Used through submitting a DELETE request to the /order/<order-id> route, providing the following in the request body:
         "token": (a JWT returned in the response body when you create a user or login, so we know it's the exact user who made the order requesting to delete their own order' information)

    You will receive an object of your order's information before being deleted (order_id, user_id, status, products(product_id, quantity)) in the response body.

    1. orderBy:
      This allows you to get your latest order's information. Used through submitting a GET request to the /order-by route, providing the following in the request body:
         "username": (your username),
         "token": (a JWT returned in the response body when you create a user or login, so we know it's the exact user who made the order requesting to see their own order' information)

    You will receive an object with your latest order's information (order_id, user_id, status, products(product_id, quantity)) in the response body.


  • srcstart ------> Runs the server from ./src directory.
  • build ---------> Transpiles TypeScript to JavaScript in the ./build directory.
  • buildstart ----> Runs the server form the ./build directory.
  • start ---------> Both transpiles and runs the server from the ./build directory. ---- important
  • dbup ----------> Builds the development database tables.
  • dbreset -------> Destroys the development database tables.
  • dbup-test -----> Builds the test database tables.
  • dbreset-test --> Destroys the test database tables.
  • jasmine -------> Runs Jasmine unit tests.
  • test ----------> Build the test database tables, runs the jasmine tests, then destroys the test database tables again. ---- important

Used Dependencies:

  1. Developmet
    • eslint
    • jasmine
    • nodemon
    • supertest
    • ts-node
    • tsc-watch
    • typescript
    • @types & @typescript libraries
  2. Production
    • bcrypt
    • body-parser
    • db-migrate
    • dotenv
    • express
    • jsonwebtoken
    • jwt-decode
    • pg


This project was done by Ayman Abdelwahed (AymanElkridy) - provided at the beginning with a basic Node and Express skeleton app -, only externally depending on libraries, documentations and developers community help, for the purpose of submitting as the second project in Udacity's Advanced Full-Stack Web Development Nanodegree. All the material in this project is subject to open-source policy, available and free to use for and by anyone. Crediting is not asked nor expected, even though it is much appreciated.