
Welcome to our Android coding challenge 👋.

In this challenge, you are asked to build some reactive code that provides an Observable of an auth token. The requirements are defined by a set of unit tests.

The basic gist is: Try to minimise the network requests that are being performed and prevent outdated tokens from being emitted.

What we expect you to do

Show us how experienced you are with rxjava and make as many of the unit tests we provided pass.

The setup

  • Checkout the code and import it into an IDE
  • In case you are having compile errors from Android Studio, try running File > Sync Project With Gradle Files
  • You can run the unit tests with ./gradlew test whenever you need.
  • There is basically just 3 files provided:
    • AuthTokenProvider: The class that needs to be implemented
    • AuthToken: A simple data class for the AuthToken
    • AuthTokenProviderTest: The unit tests you should pass

The rules

  • Please do not change AuthToken or AuthTokenProviderTest!
  • Keep the signature of the AuthTokenProvider constructor and AuthTokenProvider.observeToken() function as they are.
  • You should build your implementation within AuthTokenProvider. If you need more classes or functions for your implementation, go ahead and create them.
  • We pass a few arguments in the AuthTokenProvider - please make use of them, so that the unit tests have a chance to work.
  • AuthToken has a few helper functions that you might need.

The answer

  • We should be able to run the project.
  • You can send your answer in one of the following ways:
    • Zip it and send us via email.
    • Zip it and put in a remote storage.
    • Send us as a repo we can access.