Python Data Scraping IMDb Movie 2020 site Using BeautifulSoup

Data Scraping using Python BeautifulSoup

Data Scraping the most POPULAR movies/series in IMDb in 2020

Data scraping from a website is one of the way to get valuable data about present trends especially because most of the data nowadays really comes from different websites such as Facebook, TikTok, Snapchat...

Data scraping may be useful in many fields such as: Data science, ML & AI.

In this project i tried to scrap what's on the** movies/series** trend and save that data in a csv file, for a later use.

Data Scraping Using PYTHON

I used Python because it's the easiest and an efficient language for data science (There are many other languages you can use such as R)

Install Important Packages

On Windows:

Open CMD and type the following:

pip install lxml pip install bs4

On Linux:

Open the Terminal and type the following:

apt-get install lxml apt-get install bs4