
Primary LanguageSmarty



  • Create a new public repository on Github
  • Work inside this repository

Create a new chart !

  • Create a new chart: helm create supermario
  • Edit the default values in values.yaml to use the container: eu.gcr.io/sandbox-wescale/mariohtml5:latest
  • Change the service type to use LoadBalancer
  • Launch it !

I let you dig a little on this one, we are at WeScale not at the elementary school

  • Check your deployment: kubectl get deployment
  • Check your service: kubectl get service, when the EXTERNAL_IP is created go check on your browser
  • OMFGGGG we can play for the rest of the Handson !!!! (This is a joke, let's move on)
  • Remove this app from your cluster: helm delete <your-release-name>

Create a Helm repository for our new chart

  • Package your app to create a release version of our Chart: helm package supermario
  • Create a directory docs inside your Github repository: mkdir docs
  • Move the release to the docs directory mv supermario-0.1.0.tgz docs
  • Add -> Commit -> Push to master everything
  • Activate your Github page by selecting master branch /docs folder
  • Create an index for helm: helm repo index docs --url https://<your-username>.github.com/<your-repo>
  • Git add -> commit -> push
  • Now let's try to use our repository with helm: helm repo add supermario https://<your-username>.github.io/<your-repo>/
  • Let's see the list of our helm repos: helm repo list
  • You can now install directly from your helm repository: helm install supermario

This allow you to update the version of your chart and create new release easily and be able to downgrade fast if needed.

Create a new version of the Chart.

I want a new version of the Chart. To do this edit your current Chart with:

  • Delete the ingress.yaml file and remove the vars link to it in values.yaml.
  • Create a new environment dev.yaml with the tag: dev.
  • Create a new release with the version 1.0.0
  • Add it to your docs and update the index.