
Picking a random animation in one of the app that we use everyday ( twitter, Facebook, Slack, others .. ) and try to recreate it together by doing Pair Programming.

Primary LanguageSwift

Animation Challenge

Animations challenges is actually pretty fun. It’s about picking a random animation in one of the app that we use everyday ( twitter, Facebook, Slack, others .. ) and try to recreate it together by doing Pair Programming.

Bear Search

Pair Challenge with John

Medium article: https://medium.com/eureka-engineering/animations-challenges-1-bear-ios-search-animation-7ea5e4ea0a34

Twitter-Like favorite button

Instagram stories progress bar

Pair Challenge with Shima

Asana Loader View

Medium article: https://medium.com/eureka-engineering/animations-challenges-2-asana-loader-animation-c3a6d040f358

Radar View

Text and Animation

Pair Fun with John