
Here is the deployment of a FullStack application based on Ethereum

Primary LanguageSolidity

Dapp based on Ethereum

1. smart_contract

  • We have an ERC721 Token from the OpenZeppelin Github.

  • The smart contracts are quite simple, they're just here to test an implementation of dapp based on ethereum.

  • The main contract is Mycontract.sol. It can mint token on the ERC721 contract.

  • To mint a token, we have to send more than 0.1 ETH.

  • The contracts are deployed on the rinkeby Testnet

2. dapp

  • The dapp was created with create-react-app and the interactions with the blockchain was done with the Web3.js component.

  • From this App, you can :

    • Create a new token with a specific image associated
    • View all of the network information (ChainId, LastBlockNumber, network, name of the token registry, total token number in the app)
    • View information about a specific Token by its Id
    • Display the total number of token of a specific user
    • Give your reward back if you are the owner of the contract
    • Import any other ERC721 of the blockchain with its ABI and its address to show the balance of a user or owner of a token by its ID
  • The docker image of the frontend on React is build.

Contract Address : 0x898893dB8214EA0DE02B7Ee67Ca6f8Cc35689E6e

You can access the ABI on the directory smart_contract\build\contracts

The Dapp is accesible here : http://aymeric_dapp.surge.sh