- 5
Support Vuetify 3?
#28 opened by DiscreteTom - 3
Did you try with server-side rendering?
#22 opened by sneko - 2
- 1
[Feature] Change color after push
#32 opened by StephanoGeorge - 4
[Vue warn]: Property or method "length" is not defined on the instance but referenced during render
#31 opened by Tofandel - 5
Using Keys to close Snackbars
#29 opened by just-refresh - 3
- 16
- 2
jest test error
#25 opened by manuel-84 - 3
Prop dark does not work
#24 opened by kondr1 - 2
feat-request: Add grouping option
#23 opened by neawbie - 6
- 4
[Doubt] How to use with VUEX
#13 opened by andreladocruz - 5
- 2
- 1
Wrong height calculation
#16 opened by b-maslennikov - 2
Ability to use HTML in the message
#15 opened by b-maslennikov - 3
- 2
- 11
Feature Request: Add Animations
#7 opened by siba2893 - 5
snackbars always go up, even when using top
#5 opened by gregveres - 1
- 1
- 2