
Library for Delphi to serve static files in Edge (WebView2) browser from files in a zip archive

Primary LanguagePascal


What's this

PoC of my way of storing and organizing a static html files in zip archive and displaying it in Delphi application by using the special wrapper TEdgeZipServer over the control TEdgeBrowser.

How it works

Library handles TCustomEdgeBrowser.OnWebResourceRequested request and loads files from ZIP archive you specified.

What's next?

Nothing, it's just proof-of-concept. For building really amazing and advanced html-based UI use the great HTML Component Library.

How to use

PS C:\Projects\EdgeZipServer> .\Tools\make-archive.ps1 -SourceFolder '.\Demos\Docs\Variant 1\' -OutputFileName '.\Demos\Docs\Varian 1.zip'
  var zipFile := TZipFile.Create;
  zipFile.Open('..\..\..\Docs\Variant 1.zip', TZipMode.zmRead);

  edgeServer := TEdgeZipServer.Create(zipFile, EdgeBrowser1, '*://contoso.com/*');


Check out Demos folder for examples of usage.

Basic Demo

Loading file from zip archive basic example.

Advanced Demo

More advanced example of using TEdgeZipServer class.


Example of storing ZIP archive as exe resource and loading data from it.

Used templates

Demo 1.zip

iDocs - one page documentation html template.

Demo 2.zip

Doctemplate - A simple HTML/CSS documentation template.

Demo 3.zip

HelpNDoc - modern help authoring tool with an intuitive user interface.

Demo 4.zip

ReadTheDocs - Downloadable Documentation of online version of ReadTheDocs.

Demo 5.zip

chm-html - Python CHM compiler that outputs an HTML5 powered CHM browser packaged with the CHM's data. Documentation of kbengine as example of CHM help project.

Demo 6.zip

itinerary-html-template - Itinerary HTML template. Example of loading custom data into static HTML content.

Sneak peek

Demo1 Demo1