How to use git secret

First follow this installation instruction here.

Generate gpg key

To generate a RSA key-pair, run:

gpg --gen-key

To export your public key, run:

gpg --armor --export > public-key.gpg

To import the public key of someone else (to share the secret with them for instance), run:

gpg --import public-key.gpg

To list all exiting gpg keys use

gpg --list-keys

Using the git secret

Step 1: Initalize git secret

git secret init

Step 2: Add user as viewer

git secret tell [user gpg by there email]

Step 3: Add a secret file

git secret add [the filename to hide]

Step 4: Hide the file

git secret hide

To remove a user use

git secret removeperson [there email]

Backup keys

To export gpg private key

gpg --armor --export-secret-key [user email]

You can use bitwarden to backup your secret keys