Hi there 👋

Orginally from 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 Living in 🇸🇪

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Core Skills

Currently working on...

@ The Honeymoon App - Democratizing the science-backed formula for lasting love, making it accessible to couples worldwide.

About Me

I’m a full-stack typescript developer, Co-founder of [The Honeymoon App](https://thehoneymoonapp.comp and Charity Co-founder of stopholdingback

Most recently I've planned and built cross-platform systems at WP Tech, Sweden.

I'm Known for my collaborative and team-oriented nature and love working on projects that add value to society.

Visit my portfolio website at ayoadesanya.com.

I have the most experiance in building:

  • Websites (Next.js), Dashboards (Next.js), Mobile apps (React Native Expo) and Node (Express, Fastify, TRPC, React qeuery and many more)

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