This is the research product of the thesis "Manifold Learning of Latent Space Vectors in GAN for Image Synthesis". This has an application to the research, name a facial recognition system. The application was developed by consulting the FaceNet model (
Please find the research results of ClusterGAN Manifold Learning Representations in the following link. Results of the research
Clone the repository from GitHub
git clone
Install project requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run this in the root dir to launch the application.
This has a extensible, user operable facial recognition application.However, there are limitations with it as well. Anyone wishing to work on the limitations are welcome to do so.
- Desktop GPU support for CUDA versions > 9.2
- Python libraries such as Numba and Cython. ()
- Facilitate FPGA model loading, for IOT applications. (Model Compression)
- Make an ubiquitous network message broker (Like RabbitMQ) for IOT applications
- Research multi-process based threading better to stabilize inter process model inferencing