
this client side project use java fx created using intilij and maven build tool and it use RMI to connect to the server previously created for banking operation with the title e-banking-ServerSide-RMI in my github repos.

Primary LanguageJava

Client side of E-banking project:

this project created with java and javafx using IntelliJ IDEA,and RMI methode for the connection with backend server to access the database, this is some screenshots of the project :

1- Authentication :

Image Alt Text

Balancing :

This screen shows the user current balance when opening the app and after each operation this number get updated. Image Alt Text

Deposit UI :

this ui allows the user to make a deposit by entering a number and pressing the button. Image Alt Text

Banking operations history :

this allows the user to see this history of different operation tha happened in his account and he can also print it. Image Alt Text

Example Result pdf of printed banking history:

Image Alt Text

this is the link of my server side of this project without it this will not work : https://github.com/AyoubELOUAIZI/e-banking-ServerSide-RMI

Thank you for taking the time to explore my project ✅🚀!