
This is a slack clone leveraging GraphQl subscriptions

Primary LanguageJavaScript

This is a slack clone leveraging GraphQl subscriptions and built using NodeJS and React.js.

• Users and authentication
    ◦ User creation
    ◦ Authentication with stateless session
• Conversation channels
    ◦ Create a channel
    ◦ List the channels
    ◦ List the messages inside a channel
    ◦ Send a message to a channel
• Store eveythong in MongoDB

• Extended user:
    ◦ Update/delete user
    ◦ Email verification
    ◦ Password recovery
• Extended channel: 
    ◦ Delete a channel
    ◦ A channel owner can invite/kick another user into to/from his channel
    ◦ Authorization: users cannot read nor write into channel they aren’t a member of
• Extended message:
    ◦ Update/delete messages
    ◦ Add image/file to a message
    ◦ Url metadata enrichment 
    ◦ Message advanced search
• Api unit testing