
The goal of this project is pretty straightforward. You will recode printf(). You will mainly learn about using a variable number of arguments. How cool is that?? It is actually pretty cool :)

Primary LanguageC


The goal of this project is pretty straightforward. You will recode printf(). You will mainly learn about using a variable number of arguments. How cool is that? It is actually pretty cool :)

.♦️ Main Topic

Variadic functions.

  • What is Variadic Functions?

Variadic function takes indefinite size arity and a variable number of arguments as a parameter. Situations that you do not know how many parameters pass the function.

  • What is ellipses (...)?

The ellipsis (...) is part of the C language and indicates that there are 0 or more optional arguments.

.♦️ Handled Conversions

%c Prints a single character.
%s Prints a string (as defined by the common C convention).
%p The void * pointer argument has to be printed in hexadecimal format.
%d Prints a decimal (base 10) number.
%i Prints an integer in base 10.
%u Prints an unsigned decimal (base 10) number.
%x Prints a number in hexadecimal (base 16) lowercase format.
%X Prints a number in hexadecimal (base 16) uppercase format.
%% Prints a percent sign.

.♦️ Used Functions

ft_putchar : write a single char.
ft_putstr : print string of chars.
ft_putnbr : print integer .
ft_putnbr_u : print unsogned integer.
ft_puthex : print hexadecimal values.
stdarg.h : va_list, va_start, va_end.