Velflix is a Laravel Netflix clone project using TALL stack (Tailwindcss, Alpinejs, Laravel, Livewire ).
Note Work in Progress
see full page here
see full page here
Package | Version |
Node | V14.19.1+ |
Npm | V6.14.16+ |
Composer | V2.2.6+ |
Php | V8.0.17+ |
Mysql | V 8.0.27+ |
Warning Make sure to follow the requirements first.
Here is how you can run the project locally:
Clone this repo
git clone
Go into the project root directory
cd velflix
Copy .env.example file to .env file
cp .env.example .env
Create database
(you can change database name) -
Create account and get an API key themoviedb here. Make sure to copy
API Read Access Token (v4 auth)
. -
Go to
file- set database credentials (
) - paste
TMDB_TOKEN=(your API key)
Make sure to follow your database username and password
- set database credentials (
Install PHP dependencies
composer install
Generate key
php artisan key:generate
install front-end dependencies
npm install && npm run dev
Run migration
php artisan migrate
Run seeder
php artisan db:seed
this command will create 2 users (admin and normal user):
email: , password: password
email: , password: password
Run server
for valet users visit
in your favorite browserphp artisan serve
in your favorite browser.Make sure to follow your Laravel local Development Environment.
Newsletter feature configuration (optional)
- Go to mailchimp
- Register your account, get API key and paste it into
file. If you need help, you can follow these steps:- Click Sign Up Free
- Enter your data, check your email and verify
- select Free, Next
- Do you have a list of contacts? (NO)
- Do you sell products or services online? (Neither, Products)
- continue
- Go to Profile > Extras > API keys
- Create a key and copy API key
- open the velflix project, go to
file and paste it intoMAILCHIMP_KEY=paste API key here
- Go to web.php and paste this code at the bottom or you can follow the documentation here
Route::get('ping', function() {
$mailchimp = new MailchimpMarketing\ApiClient();
'apiKey' => config('services.mailchimp.key'),
'server' => 'us5',
$response = $mailchimp->lists->getAllLists();
make sure you fill in the
correctly, check the link at the top of your admin Mailchimp, for me its
so i give the value of server isus5
. if you get us6, change the server value to beus6
- visit
and copy value of id in the"lists" > 0 > "id"
- open project, in .env file paste the id into
and we ready to go - visit
test email for subscribing , and refresh your admin mailchimp it should be Your audience has increased 1 contact.
- Setup Laravel Socialite login with Google account (optional)
- Go to the Google Developers Console get "GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID" and "GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET". paste it into
file. if you need help, you can follow these steps: - Click Credentials menu, click "select a project" at the navbar > ALL > No organization > new project.
- project name 'velflix', location should be no organization > Create.
- Go to OAuth consent screen menu > Select External and Create
- App Information > app name 'velflix' choose user support email, fill email in developer contact information, save and continue
- Go to Credentials menu > click
+Create Credentials
at the top > select "OAuth Client ID" > select Application type "Web Application" > Name 'velflix' - At the Authorized redirect URIs > +ADD URI > paste this into it
> Create.
NOTE: you can change the port to be
or others, but make sure when you runphp artisan serve
, your project run in the same port.
- Copy
Your Client ID
andYour Client Secret
- Open velflix project, go to
file and paste it inGOOGLE_CLIENT_ID=paste_here
and we ready to gophp artisan serve
- let's test, visit the project in your browser > Login > Login Google > choose account > and if success, it should be redirect to the movies page.
Let me know if you get in trouble.
Warning Every time you run testing, you should run
php artisan db:seed
Cypress ( E2E Testing )
Run the cypress:boilerplate command to copy over the initial boilerplate files for your Cypress tests.
php artisan cypress:boilerplate
Let's run it now
npx cypress open
- To run coding style checks
- to run static analysis with PHPStan
./vendor/bin/phpstan analyse
Pull requests are welcome.
Velflix is an open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license