- 1
Install Error
#21 opened by Siletskiy - 0
- 7
Provide compiled plugin
#3 opened by r3pek - 1
Batch import .so files failed
#19 opened by Hao17 - 0
NPE After Select APK
#18 opened by MrWildanMD - 0 - Uncaught Exception: java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
#16 opened by mSharif10 - 2
- 0
#14 opened by triptips-top - 1
- 2
method compile() not found
#11 opened by Davincible - 0
#12 opened by robinkang63 - 3
- 2
incompatible with ghidra
#7 opened by linhlhq - 1
Instruction on how to build
#6 opened by aguerriero1998 - 1
- 10
JNIAnalyzer NPE
#1 opened by eacmen