Calculate the Mechanical and the Body teatment data
Hardware Required:
-OBD2 Scanner device
-Microprocessor Raspberry Pi
-Module GSM
-Module MPU6050
Data Collection:
-Data collection: collected Mechanical treatments through OBD2 scanner devices that connected to ECU (pyobd-pi).
-Data collection: Collected Body treatments through module MPU6050, the Gyroscope and Accelerometer (
-Data transmission: The GSM A6 module wirelessly transmits the data collected to the CAR Portal Server (
Before proceeding, run:
Note: For the following command line instructions, do not type the '#', that is only to indicate that it is a command to enter.
#sudo apt-get update
#sudo apt-get upgrade
#sudo apt-get autoremove
#sudo reboot
#sudo apt-get install python-serial