
Python wrapper for the Riot Games API for League of Legends

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

RiotWatcher v3.1.1

Latest version released on PyPi Documentation Status Test coverage Code quality Code style

Check for full (read: slightly better) documentation here!

RiotWatcher is a thin wrapper on top of the Riot Games API for League of Legends. All public methods as of 10/3/2020 are supported in full.

RiotWatcher by default supports a naive rate limiter. This rate limiter will try to stop you from making too many requests, and in a single threaded test environment does this rather well. In a multithreaded environment, you may still get some 429 errors. 429 errors are currently NOT retried for you.

To Start...

To install RiotWatcher:

pip install riotwatcher

OR for development/testing, clone and run:

pip install -e .[dev]
pre-commit install

You also need to have an API key from Riot. Get that from here.

Using it...

All methods return dictionaries representing the json objects described by the official Riot API. Any HTTP errors that are returned by the API are raised as HTTPError exceptions from the Requests library.

from riotwatcher import LolWatcher, ApiError

lol_watcher = LolWatcher('<your-api-key>')

my_region = 'na1'

me = lol_watcher.summoner.by_name(my_region, 'pseudonym117')

# all objects are returned (by default) as a dict
# lets see if i got diamond yet (i probably didnt)
my_ranked_stats = lol_watcher.league.by_summoner(my_region, me['id'])

# First we get the latest version of the game from data dragon
versions = lol_watcher.data_dragon.versions_for_region(my_region)
champions_version = versions['n']['champion']

# Lets get some champions
current_champ_list = lol_watcher.data_dragon.champions(champions_version)

# For Riot's API, the 404 status code indicates that the requested data wasn't found and
# should be expected to occur in normal operation, as in the case of a an
# invalid summoner name, match ID, etc.
# The 429 status code indicates that the user has sent too many requests
# in a given amount of time ("rate limiting").

    response = lol_watcher.summoner.by_name(my_region, 'this_is_probably_not_anyones_summoner_name')
except ApiError as err:
    if err.response.status_code == 429:
        print('We should retry in {} seconds.'.format(err.response.headers['Retry-After']))
        print('this retry-after is handled by default by the RiotWatcher library')
        print('future requests wait until the retry-after time passes')
    elif err.response.status_code == 404:
        print('Summoner with that ridiculous name not found.')

Use with kernel

RiotWatcher can integrate with the API proxy/caching server kernel. This can be done by providing the kernel_url parameter to the LolWatcher constructor.

from riotwatcher import LolWatcher, ApiError

lol_watcher = LolWatcher(kernel_url="https://your-kernel-instance") # should not contain trailing slash
# use watcher as normal


Unit tests can be run with the following command from the RiotWatcher folder:


Known Issues

Rate limiter has some race conditions when used concurrently.


v3.1.1 - TBD

Add support for Valorant recent match API.

Add support for LoR MatchAPI.

v3.1.0 - 9/1/2020

Add support for Clash API's

Add support for generic Riot APIs through riotwatcher.RiotWatcher class (note: old deprecated class has been repurposed - you have been warned)

Add support for valorant APIs

Cleaned up documentation. Quite a bit.

v3.0.0 - 3/3/2020

LoR APIs added through riotwatcher.LorWatcher class.

TFT APIs added through riotwatcher.TftWatcher class.

Added support for LoR APIs through riotwatcher.LorWatcher class.

No more python 2 support. Finally. If you need support for python 2, please use v2.7.1. Also Python 3.5 is no longer supported. Please use 3.6 or newer.

riotwatcher.RiotWatcher class has been deprecated - It has been renamed to LolWatcher. The riotwatcher.RiotWatcher class has been maintained for backwards compatibility, but will not exist forever.

custom_handler_chain parameter for LolWatcher (previously RiotWatcher) no longer exists. It has been replaced with the parameters rate_limiter, deserializer, and error_handler. This is part of the goal to decouple riotwatcher's external APIs from requests.

Removed long-deprecated classes.

v2.7.1 - 7/31/2019

Fixed issue with using kernel on regions other than NA.

v2.7.0 - 7/30/2019

Add support for connecting to kernel.

General cleanup

v2.6.0 - 5/7/2019

Removed deprecated v3 endpoints

Add support for league v4 entry/by-summoner and entry/queue/tier/division endpoints

Added warning log when deprecated endpoint is used

Added support for timeout parameter. Example:

from riotwatcher import RiotWatcher, TimeoutError

watcher = RiotWatcher('<your-api-key>', timeout=2.5) # timeout is in seconds
    watcher.summoner.by_name('na1', 'pseudonym117')
except TimeoutError:
    print('timed out getting summoner')

v2.5.0 - 1/7/2019

Added v4 API support

Changed exceptions to custom exception (ApiError) from requests exception. Change is backwards compatible until at least version v2.6. After that, catching HTTPError will no loger be supported.


RequestHandler.preview_static_request and RequestHandler.after_static_request no longer recieve version and locale directly as parameters. Should instead use URL. This API is undocumented, but technically broken by some ddragon related changes.

Switched tests to use pytest + tox from unittest and remembering to run each python version supported.

Added coverage measurements when running tests.

Moved source into src folder.

Added integration tests.

Moved URL writing into separate modules.

Removed StaticData API (RIP)

Removed champions.all and champions.by_id (RIP)

v2.4.0 - 8/23/2018

Added DDragon API support

Added support for champion rotaion API

v2.3.0 - 6/3/2018

Fixed issue #88 (recent matchlist endpoint deprecated)

Removed riotewatcher.legacy namespace and API. Please (finally) update to the v3 API.

v2.2.2 - 4/2/2018

Fixed issue #84 where old endpoint was in examples

Added league.by_id endpoint

Fixed a few documentation issues

v2.2.1 - 12/28/2017

Fixed issue #83 where lower non-1 limits sent by riot would cause an exception intead of being handled correctly.

Also added unit tests to Limit class. Because tests are good.

v2.2.0 - 12/1/2017

Completely removed masteries and runes APIs

Added ThirdPartyCode API

Fixed some documentation typos

Learned what PyLint is and used it.

Legacy interface is to be removed with next non-bugfix version. Time to adapt to proper usage of v3 interfaces!

v2.1.0 - 10/9/2017

Service Rate limits now actually respected!

A bunch of random doc fixes... other non-insteresting stuff. etc.

v2.0.3 - 10/3/2017

Many fixes to documentation and automatic test runners (no pypi version)

Fixed defect #80 (booleans not converted to lower case in requests)

v2.0.2 - 7/25/2017

Python 2 Support

Fixed a bunch of PEP violations and fixed comments format.

v2.0.1 - 7/18/2017

fixed nasty packaging bug rendering everything unusable. Oops.

v2.0.0 - 7/18/2017

v3 API support.

Huge refactor of code, many old calls broken.

Rate limiting added by default, can be removed/replaced.

v1.3.2 - 11/16/2015

fixed issue with special characters in names in get_summoners method (issue #28)

fixed bug in matchlist API causing requests for past seasons to fail, added constants for each possible season. (issue #44)

fixed bug introduced in pull request #35 (method of checked for what exception is thrown changed from what was documented) - old method should work now. (issue #43)

v1.3.1 - 10/24/2015

removed match history functions, as these were deprecated.

v1.3 - 7/29/2015

merged pull requests to (done at previous date, changelog not updated):
  • use matchlist endpoint
  • use nemesis draft
  • use riot attribution
  • get master tier

fixed issue with merged matchlist endpoint tests fixed issue #24 in readme added black market brawlers constants

v1.2.5 - 3/8/2015

fixed issue with __init__.py not importing the correct packages

v1.2.4 - 2/13/2015

Added current-game-v1.0 and featured-games-v1.0 api's

v1.2.3 - 12/31/2014

Fixed bug/undocumented feature when getting a single summoner with space in the name. Also added static method RiotWatcher.sanitize_name(name) for stripping special characters from summoner names.

v1.2.2 - 12/22/2014

Tiny changes, function signature of get_summoner changed, to get by ID the keyword is now _id, not id, tests updated to reflect this

Some game constants updated, if anyone has actually been using them.

v1.2.1 - 10/14/2014

Add lol-status API. not a huge thing but i had time to do it.

v1.2 - 9/4/2014

Added Match and MatchHistory APIs! Also are somewhat tested, but query parameters are not tested.

Added some new constants. Probably not useful, but who knows. Maybe someone will want them.

Some code changed to look slightly nicer too.

v1.1.8 - 9/4/2014

Updated APIs supported. Updated APIs:

  • league-v2.5
  • team-v2.4

Don't worry, support for match data is coming. I just wanted to commit these changes first, since they already had tests.

v1.1.7 - 8/10/2014

Fixed issue #4 (forgot to change a number, oops) and made it much much less likely for me to do it again (moved api version part of url into a different method just to be sure I don't mess it up).

Also there are now TESTS!! WOO! Everyone rejoice. They aren't very good tests though, so don't be too excited. BUT if they should detect if there's a clear issue in the API wrapper.

Oh and some better formatting done (spaces not tabs, more consistent indentation, etc.). Should be no functional difference at all.

v1.1.6 - 6/19/2014

Added support for regional proxies, because EUW broke without it

v1.1.5 - 5/9/2014

Cause what do version numbers really mean anyways?

Actually add endpoints to league API that I just forgot to add. Change is NOT backwards compatible, any use of the old league api calls will need to be changed, in addition to the riot changes.

Newly supported API's: - league-v2.4 - team-v2.3

v1.1.1 - 5/3/2014

Fix issue with static calls, namely that they didn't do anything right before. Now they work.

v1.1 - 4/29/2014

Updated to latest API versions, now supported API's are:

  • champion-v1.2
  • game-v1.3
  • league-v2.3
  • lol-static-data-v1.2
  • stats-v1.3
  • summoner-v1.4
  • team-v2.2

Changes are NOT backwards compatible, you will need to update any code that used an old API version. Check Riots documentation for more information on what changes were made

v1.0.2 - 2/25/2014

Added Riots new methods to get teams by id. In methods 'get_teams(team_ids, region)' and 'get_team(team_id, region)'.


Alpha only, experimental rate limiting added


Initial release


RiotWatcher isn't endorsed by Riot Games and doesn't reflect the views or opinions of Riot Games or anyone officially involved in producing or managing League of Legends. League of Legends and Riot Games are trademarks or registered trademarks ofRiot Games, Inc. League of Legends (c) Riot Games, Inc.