
This project uses the NASA API to fetch all the Mars Rover Images on a particular date. This API Web App uses the Async-Await for the fetch() API calls. It also implements a Promisified XHR AJAX API Call Asynchronously in the Proxy Server. It uses a Backend Proxy Server to hide the API Key in the browser & to solve CORS Error.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

𝐍𝐀𝐒𝐀 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐑𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐏𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐨𝐬 🚀

⭐ Introduction

This project uses the NASA API to fetch all the Mars Rover Images on a particular date.

  • This API Web App uses the Async-Await for the fetch() API calls.
  • It also implements a Promisified XHR AJAX API Call Asynchronously in the Proxy Server.
  • It uses a Backend Proxy Server to hide the API Key in the browser & to solve CORS Error.

🔥 Getting Started With The Project

  • Fork the Project in your Repository.
  • Clone the Forked Repository in your Local System.
  • Install & Configure - NodeJS
  • Create '.env' file & Set the Environment Variables in it, as per the 'ENV_FORMAT.json' file.
  • Run 'npm install' in GitBash Terminal
  • Go to 'package.json' & inside the 'SCRIPTS', find "start":"...."
    Change it to - "start": "nodemon index.js",
  • Run 'npm start' in GitBash Terminal
  • Enjoy :)

Reference - https://api.nasa.gov/
For any issues related to the project, raise an ISSUE in the respective Repository.

🔨 Tools Used

  • Library:
    • cors
    • dotenv
    • ejs
    • express
    • express-ejs-layouts
    • nodemon
    • xmlhttprequest
  • Version Control System: Git
  • VCS Hosting: GitHub
  • Framework: ExpressJS
  • Programming / Scripting: JavaScript
  • Front-End: HTML, CSS, EJS
  • Runtime Environment: NodeJS
  • Integrated Development Environment: VSCode

🔗 Links

Checkout the Website Web Application

💻 Screens

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Dev Community




I hope you like the project. Thanks for reading :)