
The Placement Cell Application is a Full Stack Application built using MongoDB, ExpressJS, NodeJS, EJS, Express Partials-Layouts, GulpJS, Vanilla JS & implements RestFul CRUD APIs along with CRUD Operations. This project is basically used for the purpose of assigning students to the interview slots of the incoming companies for the visit, at the backend for the employees to work. It manages both student & interview information along with the company visits. This website is only restricted for the use of employees. This website is completely Responsive across all the Devices.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐂𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐀𝐩𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 🚀

⭐ Introduction

The Placement Cell Application is a Full Stack Application built using MongoDB, ExpressJS, NodeJS, EJS, Express Partials-Layouts, GulpJS, Vanilla JS & implements RestFul CRUD APIs along with CRUD Operations. This project is basically used for the purpose of assigning students to the interview slots of the incoming companies for the visit, at the backend for the employees to work. It manages both student & interview information along with the company visits. This website is only restricted for the use of employees.

This website is completely Responsive across all the Devices.

  • Employee can create an account or signup. Employee can login using the credentials.

  • Employee can create students in the student's section using the form.

  • Employee can create companies that are visiting in the interviews's section using the form.

  • Student's List contains students with the student data along with the list of assigned interviews.

  • Company's List contains companies with the list of students in the assigned interview slots along with the results.

  • Employee can add empty interview slots in a company, assign students to the interview slots along with the results, delete the empty interview slots, delete the student from the interview slot, edit & update the student's interview result.

  • Front End & Back End Validation for uploading Image Files less than equal to 3MB.

  • The CSV Parser converts JSON to CSV File format & downloads the student report with all the details into your system.

  • Job Portal page contains a list of all the open dummy jobs which on click navigates to the real job portal at indeed.com

  • Users can update their profiles.

🔥 Getting Started With The Project

  • Fork the Project in your Repository.
  • Clone the Forked Repository in your Local System.
  • Install & Configure - NodeJS, MongoDB, Robo3T, POSTMAN.
  • Create '.env' file & Set the Environment Variables in it, as per the 'ENV_FORMAT.json' file.
  • Run 'npm install' in GitBash Terminal
  • If you want to run the project in development mode locally then go to '.env' file & set,
  • If you want to run the project in production mode then go to '.env' file & set,
  • For Development Mode:
    Run 'npm run dev_start' in GitBash Terminal
  • For Production Mode:
    Run 'npm run prod_start' in GitBash Terminal
  • Enjoy :)

For any issues related to the project, raise an ISSUE for the respective Repository.

🔨 Tools Used

  • Library:
    • bcryptjs
    • connect-flash
    • connect-mongo
    • cookie-parser
    • cors
    • crypto
    • csv-stringify
    • del
    • dotenv
    • ejs
    • express
    • express-ejs-layouts
    • express-session
    • express-validator
    • gulp-cssnano
    • gulp-imagemin
    • gulp-rev
    • gulp-sass
    • gulp-uglify-es
    • json2csv
    • mongoose
    • morgan
    • multer
    • node-sass-middleware
    • nodemon
    • noty
    • passport
    • passport-google-oauth
    • passport-local
    • rotating-file-stream
    • validator
  • Framework: ExpressJS, Bootstrap
  • Database: MongoDB
  • Version Control System: Git
  • VCS Hosting: GitHub
  • Programming / Scripting: Vanilla JavaScript
  • Front-End: SCSS, EJS
  • Runtime Environment: NodeJS
  • Integrated Development Environment: VSCode

🔗 Links

Checkout the Website Web Application

Checkout the Application Demo Video YouTube

💻 Screens

🐦 Follow Me:

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I hope you like the project. Thanks for reading :)