This project implements RESTful CRUD APIs for an E-Commerce Platform for managing product inventory, using NodeJS, ExpressJS, MongoDB. This is a Back-End API Project.
- User can create a new product.
- User can get list of all the products.
- User can get a particular product.
- User can delete a particular product.
- User can update a particular product's quantity.
- Fork the Project in your Repository.
- Clone the Forked Repository in your Local System.
- Install & Configure - NodeJS, MongoDB, Robo3T, POSTMAN.
- Create '.env' file & Set the Environment Variables in it, as per the 'ENV_FORMAT.json' file.
- Run 'npm install' in GitBash Terminal
- Go to 'package.json' & inside the 'SCRIPTS', find "start":"...."
Change it to - "start": "SET NODE_ENV=development & nodemon index.js", - If you want to run the project in development mode then,
DEPLOYMENT=local - If you want to run the project in production mode then,
DEPLOYMENT=As per you - Run 'npm start' in GitBash Terminal
- Enjoy :)
For any issues related to the project, raise an ISSUE in the respective Repository.
- Library:
- cors
- dotenv
- express
- mongoose
- nodemon
- uuid
- Framework: ExpressJS
- Database: MongoDB
- Version Control System: Git
- VCS Hosting: GitHub
- Programming / Scripting: JavaScript
- Runtime Environment: NodeJS
- Integrated Development Environment: VSCode
Checkout the Website Web Application
I hope you like the project. Thanks for reading :)