
This project contains the submission for Adobe PapyrusNebula Hackathon Round 2.


For building and running the application you need:

Running the application

  • Using credentials from pdfservices-api-credentials.json set environment variables PDF_SERVICES_CLIENT_ID and PDF_SERVICES_CLIENT_SECRET.
  • To run the application execute the main method in src/main/java/com/example/restdemo/
  • Open Postman or command prompt and run the sample curl command present in ResumeBuilder Curl Request.
  • Change the values as per your requirements.

Project Structure

  • There are 3 different types of templates available(1, 2 and 3). You can choose any one of them by simply changing template_id in post request.
  • com.example.restdemo.controller package contains the code to process the incoming API requests.
  • com.example.restdemo.create package contains two files:
    • generates resume in the pdf format from the specified template and input raw json data.
    • generates the converts the input raw json data into the desired json format.
  • com.example.restdemo.exception package contains the custom exception handling files.
    • for handling Bad Request errors(400).
    • for handling Unauthorised access errors(401).
    • for handling Template Not Found error(404).
    • for handling Internal Server errors(500).
    • is a class to represent the desired error details.
    • is a class to handle the exception and return a custom error response.
  • contains the main method to run the application.
  • src/main/resources/templates directory contains the resume templates.
  • src/main/resources/generated directory is for storing the json data and the generated resume pdf file.