
An app to make your scheduling tasks much easier for students!!

Primary LanguageJavaScript


An app to make student's scheduling tasks much easier!!

This app will help you to create your time-table or schedule for your classes. The application has following features:-

  • You can mark which time-range is your your break all the days.
  • You can mark any day of the week as your holiday For e.g., sometimes saturdays are considered as holiday.
  • You can mark your attendance.
  • Edit title of the subject at any point of the time.
  • Add description of the subject (you can add your teachers name if you want) or it can be left blank.
  • All your attendance is stored in the mongodb database.

To run the app in your local follow these Steps:-

  1. Add application.properties in backend/src/main/resources.

  2. In application.properties add folowing lines:

    spring.data.mongodb.uri=mongodb+srv://<username>:<password>@<cluster>.bhrvg.mongodb.net/contents spring.data.mongodb.database=contents

  3. Run file ModelApplication using IDE or terminal.

  4. Type npm install inside terminal of VS code of frontend.

  5. Type npm start and ENJOY!!!