
This project is About collaborative coding editor platform

Primary LanguageHTML


Construct week project NXM201 Batch Project starts on 28-03-2023 and completed on 01-04-2023

Website Name => dexter.com

Project type => Collaborative Code editior

Collaborative / Solo => Collaborative of 4 member

Members of Project group

  1. Amit devda => fw22_0493 => Team Leader
  2. Ayush kr Shanu => fw22_0299 => Member
  3. Ashwin => fw22_0820 => Member
  4. Imran Ilai Sutar => fw22_0109 => Member

For UI (FrontEnd)

Tech Stack used HTML, CSS, JS and Some External CSS libraries .

For Backend

Tech Stack used NodeJs, ExpressJs, HTTP, SocketIo and some Modules.

How to go through the project:-

  1. Click on link => https://dexter-lab-142.netlify.app/

  2. You will land on login page image Fill the credential

  3. For that you have register first just click on signup image Fill the credential and click on CREATE FREE ACCOUNT and it will redirect you on login page again.

  4. You will land on login page image Fill the credential and click on login.

  5. You will land on code editior page. image From here you can do things alone amd after doing your own thing you can download it from download button.
    You can change the view also from view button It makes UI interactive to the user.

Different view examples image


  1. After You can create room for more users to join whith you, for that just click on Create Room Button. image Just enter your Username and RoomID and share room ID to your friends click on join.

  2. After joining room you can see multiple options image After of user joining, coding areas, hamberger icon where all users and room id will be shown, in bottom section you will se chat button. image Here you can see the list of users and room code.

  3. You can write code of HTML, CSS and JS in their input areas and your team-mate can also see real time and in output box you will see the output also. image You can also download the code what you have done.

  4. You can also chat with your team after clicking on chat image

Thanks for giving the time for reading the whole documentation.